A fast, simple tool to create, change, and publish maps.

Chrome Extension

Download the latest release of the extension to add a '' button to applicable Gists and files on GitHub.

Open Source

This site is an open source project.

License & Restrictions

This is open source software under the permissive MIT license. That license applies to the software and not the data you create with - you can safely edit private, copywritten, open, or any other kind of data with this tool without the tool changing its legal status.


So I've made a map, what do I do now?

If you just want to share your map, you can click the 'Share' tab and send a link to friends, or grab HTML for embedding it on your website.

For more flexibility, download the GeoJSON data and you can use it with a number of different tools:

How Do I Import Shapefiles or unsupported formats? doesn't support Shapefile import directly, but you can convert Shapefiles to GeoJSON first, and then upload GeoJSON to